Thursday, March 15, 2012

My family and our days off!!!

Last week Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday my family, my friend Anna and I took the day off school/work and went to the dells. It was a BLAST, in my opinion way better then school.
 This is my little cousin Evan. He just had a blast playing in the water park. This was his first time at a water-park where he could walk and go down slides by himself.
 Evan again
 Going through the tunnel
 My sister and niece Madilyn tubing down the lazy river.
 McKenna being the monkey she always is.
 My other sister Kahli, my cousin Clover, and niece McKenna coming off a water slide
 Anna and Madi going down a slide together
 Clover trying to be a little kid going down the baby slides.
Clover and her nephew Evan.
Kahli, McKenna, and Clover just getting off a slide.
Kahli going down the lazy river making one of her nice faces.
Lilly having the time of her life going down a side.
And again.
Lilly tubing down the lazy river.
Madilyn going down the slide. She was to chicken to do the big slides.

Evan and his mommy Katie going down the slide together.

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