Thursday, March 15, 2012

Best of...

Our assignment for the week was to post our best pictures of our animal morph, our ice pictures, and one of our choice.

My favorite ice picture is this one. I really like this one because of the bubbles coming out of the ice and the sun reflecting of the bubbles and the ice. 
Shutter: 1/105
Aperture: f/5.2
Focal Length: 18.6 mm
ISO Speed: 50

This was my animal morph picture, I really like this picture, but I had to choose it whether I liked it or not because I didn't have any other animal morphs to pick from.

Shutter: 1/60
Aperture: f/3.4
Focal Length: 9 mm
ISO Speed: 100

I really like this picture because because the logs are not right in the middle. I converted it to black and white because it looked better because there wasn't hardly any color on it.
Shutter: 1/369
Aperture: f/5.6
Focal Length: 6.2 mm
ISO Speed: 50

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