Wednesday, May 23, 2012


This assignment for this past weekend was patterns. I didn't do very well on this assignment because I was so busy. My grandma had a slight heart attack so we went to visit her and I wish I had my camera with me because there was a lot of patterns when we went to visit.  My dad bought a new house so we were moving things into the new house and I forgot my camera at the old house, but I did get a couple.
 We were drawing with chalk before visiting my grandma and I wrote my stepsisters name in a pattern.
Shutter: 1/220
Aperture: f/2.8
Focal Length: 6.2 mm
ISO Speed: 100

This is a flag we have on our front porch and it has all the old flags around it, but I took a picture of it because to red and white lines make up a pattern. 
Shutter: 1/60
Aperture: f/4.7
Focal Length: 15.3 mm
ISO Speed:  50
 And then the chalk again, but at a different angle.
Shutter: 1/210
Aperture: f/2.8
Focal Length: 6.2 mm
ISO Speed: 100

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