Wednesday, April 25, 2012

My niece Madilyn

I forgot my camera today so I couldn't upload any new pictures so I edited some older pictures of one of my nieces.
 This is my sister and Madilyn when Madi was a little bit younger.
 This is Madi and McKenna. I LOVE both of their eyes in this picture.
 Madi when she was just a baby. She was soooo chunky and her eyes are soooo big.
 I couldn't decide if I liked this high key photo or the one below so I put both on here.

 I love this picture because it really shows her personality.
 This was this past halloween. She was a bumble bee fairy.
 I love this picture because the light colors that she is wearing and the swing she is on brings out the darkness in her eyes and hair.
This picture has the 1/3 rule and her colors of her snow pants and coat really stand out with the snow.

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