Monday, April 30, 2012


Our during the week assignment was spring. We weren't aloud to change much in the picture like get rid of anything because we were supposed to do it like a photo journalist. I liked this assignment because i don't mind cropping pictures and turning them black and white but I'm not a huge person for editing, I like to take a picture and have it be that way, if its not good then try again a different day.
 Shutter: 1/60
Aperture: f/2.8
ISO Speed: 100
Focal Length: 6.2 mm
Journalistic- Flowers and plants are blooming everywhere, animals are coming out of hibernation, and the days are getting longer.
 This is our Lilac bush, I took this picture with the camera sideways and I didn't turn it because I think it looks better this way.
Shutter: 1/500
Aperture: f/2.8
Focal Length: 6.2 mm
ISO Speed: 50
journalistic- The Lilacs are coming out early and the leaves are green. People are mowing the grass and pulling weeds.

Shutter: 1/110
Aperture: f/4.7
Focal Length: 15.3 mm
ISO Speed: 100
journalistic- People have planted their flowers in the pots and planted their vegetables and fruits in the garden.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

My niece Madilyn

I forgot my camera today so I couldn't upload any new pictures so I edited some older pictures of one of my nieces.
 This is my sister and Madilyn when Madi was a little bit younger.
 This is Madi and McKenna. I LOVE both of their eyes in this picture.
 Madi when she was just a baby. She was soooo chunky and her eyes are soooo big.
 I couldn't decide if I liked this high key photo or the one below so I put both on here.

 I love this picture because it really shows her personality.
 This was this past halloween. She was a bumble bee fairy.
 I love this picture because the light colors that she is wearing and the swing she is on brings out the darkness in her eyes and hair.
This picture has the 1/3 rule and her colors of her snow pants and coat really stand out with the snow.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Humane Society

Every Tuesday I go out to the Clark County Humane Society to volunteer cleaning up after dogs and walking them. I have a lot of fun doing it the dogs are amazing.
 This is Iris she is a husky that came in one night when I was out there, when she came she had a horrible eye and had to get it removed. Now it is healing and looks great. Now she also doesn't have the cone on her head which makes her a happier dog because she isn't running into everything.  I have been attached to her ever since she came in and she to me. Probably more me to her then her to me. I wish I could take her home but my parents won't let me and she is on hold for some other people, so I spoil her as much as I can before she gets her a new home. It probably isn't fair how much attention I give her and not the other dogs, but they get some.

This is the great paranese  named Tristan who was a stray but got adopted to a family in Minnesota.
And this is Tristan's partner Jessica, who went to the same home as him.

These are a couple puppies that got adopted out already. For some reason they get adopted out WAY faster then the big dogs, but I guess people can't pass up these faces.
I just love this picture because they look so innocent, but no puppy is innocent, they are little trouble makers.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Horses/horseback riding

Last week my mom, anna, my nieces, and I went out to see my horse and ride our friend's horse. It was a lot of fun even though my mom was to chicken to ride the horse all by herself so she had our friend lead her around.  

For some odd reason I really like the next 4 pictures. They are just nice and clear, and some are odd angles of them. 

Aperture: f/2.8
ISO Speed: 100
Focal Length: 6.2 mm
Shutter: 1/771
Aperture: f/5.2
ISO Speed: 50
Focal Length: 18.6 mm

Shutter: 1/354
Aperture: f/5.2
Focal Length: 18.6 mm
ISO Speed: 50

Shutter: 1/500
Aperture: f/5.2
Focal Length: 18.6 mm
ISO Speed:  50
 My mom on Mustang Sally.
Shutter: 1/595
Aperture: f/5.2
Focal Length: 18.6 mm
ISO Speed: 50
My niece McKenna on Sally. 
Shutter: 1/403
Aperture: f/5.6
Focal Length: 6.2 mm
ISO Speed: 50
 Anna on Sally.
Shutter: 1/479
Aperture: f/2.8
Focal Length: 6.2 mm
ISO Speed: 50

My mom taking my niece Madilyn on Sally.
Shutter: 1/354
Aperture: f/5.6
Focal Length: 6.2 mm
ISO Speed: 50

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Land of Giants

We were to take pictures of ourselves (which I HATE doing) and then take a picture of something else with the same angle and lighting. We had to make ourselves really small and put us in the background or the other way around. I made myself small. I took pictures of my horse and wanted to put me of him but I couldn't get good angles of them, so I out myself in a plant.
This is the color version. My foot I couldn't get it to go any darker but besides that I think it looks good.
 Here is the black and white version.

Friday, April 13, 2012


On Saturday night I got to play Easter bunny for my nieces. On Sunday they were up at the crack of dawn because they were so exited to find all their goodies. I made them wait a little while and wouldn't let them go down stairs for about an hour. I made them wait  because I knew it would just "kill" them and I could get an extra hour of sleep. Finally I said go ahead and raced them down the stairs. It was a lot of fun!
 McKenna finally found the big box of chalk and a plastic egg.
 Looking for eggs. I see one.
 She found a chocolate bunny in here last year so he thought the "bunny" would be dumb and hide everything in the same spot again, she was wrong.
 McKenna's basket with all the eggs she found.

 Checking to see what she got.
 Seeing what is in her eggs

Checking in ALL the cupboards.
 My aunt's cat Maizy. when she got into the basket I thought she was going to use it as her bathroom because that is what it looked like but then she laid down and slept, she also licked the grass a little bit. Must of tasted like candy.
She looks pretty comfortable.

Thursday, April 12, 2012


For last weekend's shooting assignment we had to shoot detail. We had extra time to shoot it because of the long Easter weekend. I really kind of liked this assignment, I thought it was fun.
 This picture is of a lock in my room. You can see the detail n the wire/metal where it twirls.
Shutter: 1/60
Aperture: f/2.8
ISO Speed: 50
Focal Length: 6.2 mm

 This is a star light in my room. I changed this picture from color to black and white. Even though this picture had a lot of color in it I really like it in black and white. You can see the detail in the twirling of metal and the light inside the star.
Shutter: 1/60
Aperture: f/2.8
Focal Length: 6.2 mm
ISO Speed: 50

 This one is not one of the better photos its a little blurry and I didn't change it to black and white and these pictures I like better in black and white.
Shutter: 1/60
Aperture: f/2.8
Focal Length: 6.2 mm
ISO Speed: 50

 This is another one that I really like and again in black and white.
Shutter: 1/60
Aperture: f/2.8
Focal Length: 6.2 mm
ISO Speed: 50

Here is another clock one but in black and white, I really like all of these in black and white.
Shutter: 1/60
Aperture: f/2.8
Focal Length: 6.2 mm
ISO Speed: 50

Thursday, April 5, 2012

I Know My ABC's!!!!

For our shooting assignment last weekend we had to find objects and make letters out of them or find letters in them I should say. We could not shoot actual letters and we couldn't physically make them, they just had to be there. It was really hard at first, at least when I was at my moms, when I got to my dad's house it seemed like a piece of cake.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012


In the past couple of years I have figured out that I do enjoy growing fruits and veggies just because I love being able to eat my own foods that I grew and it also saves money for my dad because I LOVE fruit and veggies, he was buying them ALL the time. So here are my strawberry plants that started coming up in march. After these couple of cold days the leaves started to get brown, but are starting to green up again.
 Shutter: 1/169
ISO Speed: 50
Focal Length: 12.8 mm

 Shutter: 1/261
Aperture: f/5.6
ISO Speed: 50
Focal Length: 6.2 mm
 Shutter: 1/97
Aperture: f/5.6
ISO Speed: 50
Focal Length: 6.2 mm

 Aperture: f/5.6
ISO Speed: 50
Focal Length: 6.2 mm
 Shutter: 1/339
Aperture: f/2.8
ISO Speed: 100
Focal Length: 6.2 mm
 Shutter: 1/707
Aperture: f/2.8
Focal Length: 6.2 mm
ISO Speed: 50

Shutter: 1/78
Aperture: f/2.8
Focal Length: 6.2 mm
ISO Speed: 50