Tuesday, February 28, 2012

My Depths of Field

 Narrow depth of field:
This bird feeder is a narrow depth of field picture because the bird seed and the little perches are in focus but the tree in the background is not. The primary subject would be the bird feeder and and the secondary subject is the tree in the background. For some reason I really like this picture. i tried converting it to black and white but i like it better in color because of all the colors of the bird seed and the greens and blue.

Shutter: 1/60
Aperture: f/4.2
Focal Length: 12.8 mm
ISO Speed: 50

Medium depth of field:

This picture is medium depth of field because the branch is in focus and some of the trees in the back are in focus but the trees in the far back are not in focus. Some of the pine needles at the bottom are in focus and some are not. The primary subject is the branch and the secondary subject is the trees in the background and the fence.

Shutter: 1/60
Aperture: f/4.7
Focal Length: 15.3 mm
ISO Speed: 100

 Wide depth of field:
This picture is a wide depth of field picture because everything is in focus, Evan, the piano, the boxes in the background, his shoes, and the camera on the piano. I converted this picture to black and white because for some reason i liked it better that way. The primary subject in this picture is Evan and the secondary is the boxes in the background.

Shutter: 1/60
Aperture: f/3.4
Focal Length: 9 mm
ISO Speed: 100

Thursday, February 23, 2012


Sophie is my dads, girl friends, daughters dog. She is a really pretty looking dog. She is full of energy and is just a funny dog to watch. She can make anybody laugh.

 Shutter: 1/707
Aperture: f/4.2
Focal Length: 12.8 mm
ISO Speed: 50

Shutter: 1/60
Aperture: f/5.2
Focal Length: 18.6 mm
ISO Speed: 100

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Depth of Field

We were supposed to go on the internet and find 3 narrow d.o.f pictures, 3 medium d.o.f, and 3 wide d.o.f pictures.


 For narrow depth of field only a little part of the picture ( the main subject ) is the one thing in the picture that is in focus.


For medium depth of field there are 2 or more things in focus and then the rest like the background is out of focus.


for wide depth of field the whole picture is in focus.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

For this  assignment we had to take three pictures of the same thing just at different times. I had a flower that died that we put outside and thought it would look cool because you don't see to many flowers this time of year even if it is dead.
The top picture was taken at 6:50 in the morning, the middle one at about 3:00 in the afternoon, and the bottom picture was taken at about 8:00 at night. The bottom one has a flash on it and it wasn't supposed to, it was supposed to be natural light. If I didn't have the flash on i couldn't see it, so i turned it on.

Shutter: 1/60
Aperture: f/4.2
Focal Length: 12.8 mm
ISO Speed: 100

Shutter: 1/85
Aperture: f/4.7
Focal Length: 15.3 mm
ISO Speed: 50

Shutter: 1/60
Aperture: f/2.8
Focal Length: 6.2 mm
ISO Speed: 100

Friday, February 17, 2012


For this assignment we were supposed o do a landscape and then another picture with a sky then take out the sky and put it into a new landscape. I kind of like this assignment, i thought it was creative and cool.
In this picture the sky was bright blue with fluffy clouds, then I took that sky out and put in a darker one with just a spot of blue to make it look like a stormy day, but really it was very nice out and sunny. I wish I would have remembered to erase the white by the trees before i put the sky in, but i guess its okay.

Shutter: 1/677
Aperture: f/2.8
Focal Length: 6.2 mm
ISO Speed: 50

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


This past weekend our assignment was composition. We had to take pictures that had to do with the rule of thirds, diagonal lines, curved lines, leading lines, and horizontal lines.
This picture was for horizontal lines. The tiles make up the lines. These are the stairs at the church I go to. I converted the picture to black and white. I don't know why, but for some reason i like this picture. Maybe its because its just a simple picture. I wish i would have had the camera a little bit more straight.
Shutter: 1/60
Aperture: f/2.8
Focal Length: 6.2 mm
ISO Speed: 100

This picture is for leading lines. The lines take you eyes up to the top but then you can't see what is up there because it is dark. I converted this picture to black and white. I wish there wasn't a gap in between  the blinds where the light shines in because i think it distracts peoples eyes too much.
Shutter: 1/162
Aperture: f/2.8
Focal Length: 6.2 mm
ISO Speed: 100

This picture is for the curved line. All the decorations and the lamp all together make repeating curved lines. I adjusted the lighting a bit and then changed the hue so that the light would be pink. For some reason I like it pink.
Shutter: 1/220
Aperture: f/3.8
Focal Length: 10.7 mm
ISO Speed: 100
 This picture is for diagonal lines. I saw this flag at church and the way its set up an just hanging there the lines on it became diagonal. I converted this to black and white and then decided I liked it better in color.
Shutter: 1/60
Aperture: f/2.8
Focal Length: 6.2 mm
ISO Speed: 50
This picture is for the two thirds rule. This picture isn't one of my favorites because on the position I am in and the way my dog is in.
Shutter: 1/60
Aperture: f/5.2
ISO Speed: 200
Focal Length: 18.6 mm

Friday, February 10, 2012


These are pictures from this past summer of skies. I love to take pictures of skies, clouds, and water. 

 I love going in the boat and not fishing just taking pictures of the sky. In this picture the primary subject is the clouds and the secondary picture is the lake and the fishing poles on the left side.

 In this picture the primary subject is the sun and the secondary subject is the lake. I really like this picture because of the reflection of the sun on the water.
 We were at Meed Lake camping and we were out fishing in the back creek and the sun started to go down. I really like this picture because of the sunset and the narrow way. I really like how the trees are dark and their reflection in the water. I do wish the camera would be a little more straight but the boat was moving so it was hard to keep it straight. The primary subject would be the sunset and the secondary the water and trees.

I really like this picture because of the dark clouds and the sun is just barely peeking through. This day it was raining off and on. This was sitting in the boat on Lake Arbutus. the primary subject would be the clouds and sun and the secondary would be the trees and lake.
I like this picture because of the orange in the clouds from the sunset and how you can see the waves rolling in the water. The primary subject would be the clouds and water and the secondary subject would be the trees in the background. 

More Open Theme

This is just another picture from Open Theme that I didn't put up before.
I was outside at night with my camera and I'm not sure which setting I had it on but i took a picture of the tree in the front of my house. It turned out blurry and bright in the background and turned out like this. I didn't do any editing to it besides remover the snow flakes. I actually really like this photo just because to me it looks like a painting but its not.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Winter Nature

For this past weekend our assignment was winter nature.

I was at Bruce Mound this past weekend skiing trying to get some good picture and just decided to take one of my skis. I really like the bright colors against the white snow especially the pink.

Shutter: 1/60
Aperture: f/3.4
Focal length: 9 mm
ISO Speed: 100

This picture is of the ice outside my door after my dad put cat litter on the ice so no one would get hurt. I really like how the litter is in focus in some parts and not in others.

Shutter: 1/60
Aperture: f/2.8
Focal Length: 6.2 mm
ISO Speed: 50

This picture is in the woods behind my house. I really like it because neither logs are right in the middle and between them you can see my dogs foot prints. I also like how under the one log you can see leaves and pine needles but there is still snow in the picture.
Shutter: 1/369
Aperture: f/5.6
Focal length: 6.2mm
ISO Speed: 50

For this picture i really like the snow on one side and the pine needles and leaves on the other. It really shows contrast between the two. I cropped out some of the things i didn't want in the picture and converted it to black and white.
Shutter: 1/65
Aperture: f/2.8
Focal Length: 6.2 mm
ISO Speed: 100

Friday, February 3, 2012

Open Theme

I was down in the basement of my house feeding and watering my rabbits and I had my camera. I was just wondering around seeing what I could take pictures of that would look nice and decided to try the ice skates. I really like how you can see the scratches in them or the rust on the blade of them.

Shutter: 1/60
Aperture: f/2.8
Focal length: 6.2 mm

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Open Theme

This assignment was open theme so one of the pictures i shot was a guitar.

For this photo I cropped out most of my carpet and changed the color a little bit. I also took out some of the blemishes. Now I really like this picture since I copped some things out. 

Shutter: 1/60
Aperture: f/2.8
ISO speed: 100
Focal length: 6.2 mm
flash: on

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

This is a photo i took last Saturday

I was giving my nieces a bath last Saturday and just decided to experiment with the water and came up with a picture like this and edited it a little bit.