Friday, April 13, 2012


On Saturday night I got to play Easter bunny for my nieces. On Sunday they were up at the crack of dawn because they were so exited to find all their goodies. I made them wait a little while and wouldn't let them go down stairs for about an hour. I made them wait  because I knew it would just "kill" them and I could get an extra hour of sleep. Finally I said go ahead and raced them down the stairs. It was a lot of fun!
 McKenna finally found the big box of chalk and a plastic egg.
 Looking for eggs. I see one.
 She found a chocolate bunny in here last year so he thought the "bunny" would be dumb and hide everything in the same spot again, she was wrong.
 McKenna's basket with all the eggs she found.

 Checking to see what she got.
 Seeing what is in her eggs

Checking in ALL the cupboards.
 My aunt's cat Maizy. when she got into the basket I thought she was going to use it as her bathroom because that is what it looked like but then she laid down and slept, she also licked the grass a little bit. Must of tasted like candy.
She looks pretty comfortable.

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